
What Partners would you like to feature on our site?



We want to hear your ideas! This is your space to tell us what products and partners you'd like to see on our site.

What types of offers would you like to see? Travel? Health and Beauty? Sports? Box Office?

We are working to expand our list of partners and to have more offers where our membership is growing. It is very helpful to have your suggestions, after all it's your club too!

Please note when submitting a suggestion:

- Partners must not be Woolworths competitor
- Substantial lead time must be given for events such as shows and exhibitions
- Partners must have a professional, functioning website
- Partners with products online must offer nation-wide shipping.


It is important to note that we are not able to provide updates on the outcome of suggestions. However, we will investigate all of the suggestions that are submitted.


Please fill in your details below and the details of the partner you wish us to approach. The more information provided,  the easier it is for us to negotiate an exclusive offer. Thank you for taking the time to share your suggestions.


Click HERE to be directed to our feedback form site.

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